Thursday, 29 August 2019

How Data Science Is Transforming The World According To Satinder Singh Madhok

Satinder Singh Madhok are the residents of an ever-growing world where the technological advancements are at their peak. Something brand new which we are aware of today is the popular development in the field of data science. There is huge market change seen and everyone is discussing the same but do we all actually understand the underlying concept of this data science? First of all, let's break this terminology and see what we get. What is data in the most basic sense which we all can understand? Well, data is simply some facts and figures which describes something. Let's say for an instance, there is a pen. The data of this pen maybe it is color, it's brand, its shape, and its capacity. Similarly, there are some data related to every single thing which exists on this planet. In the most general terms, data science is the study of these data in order to produce some better and relatable results which can be useful indeed.

Satinder Pal Singh Madhok say that data is flowing like water everywhere. Every day around 2.5 exabytes of data is produced all around. The value of this data is so much that is beyond imagination. And before Satinder see how data becomes so useful, lets first understand where the data is produced and secondly, how your data reaches various different places for utilization? Today you use different websites over the internet for a number of reasons considerably for online shopping, studies or simply browsing things of your interest. You must have noticed that if you visit some online shopping site say Amazon and searched for a particular kind of dress, the ads of the similar dresses will keep popping up whenever you browse through any other website as well. This is because of the algorithms functioning behind the hood and keeping an eye on everything you do and henceforth, collecting your data.

The same happens with the social media websites as they too serve one of the greatest sources of providing data. What you like wearing, what places you wish to travel, what is your favorite food, what are your hobbies, each and every detail can be gathered about you over the internet and suggestions will keep coming to you with respect to your interests. Someday if you start to search for how to get a loan for higher education, you will out of the blue start receiving calls from different banks offering you with benefits and discounts on loan. These are all due to the data science running behind. Now why this data is so important? Data is the basis of everything going on in this world. It is with the proper analysis of this data that the huge companies come to know what the market demands. What kind of products and services will bring a revolution in the market if launched?

All of these predictions are based on market data. They target each individual differently so as to provide them with their kind of customization's. This can be very similar to an example where you need to gift your best friend something on his birthday. You will very well know what exactly to get for him simply because you know him so well. In the same fashion data science also works. As it can draw a very good analogy using artificial intelligence and machine learning and keep you happy showing you things which you like. This has created a wide range of differences in the market and people are however spending more being lured. However, not just in the marketing world but in every other field like medical science, data science plays a huge role. It is with the study of medical records of a patient that his treatment and diagnosis is designed.

Therefore, data science has not left a single stone unturned and sooner it is going to establish its role in the rest of the industries in the world.